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1.fonzie years eve

3.avant garden
5.sumsmoove trip
7.two trees
8.back to canada
9.eleven thorns
10. minya

Bonus Tracks:

12.Avant Garden (Drum and Bass Remix)
13.Sumsmoove Trip (Trip Hop Remix)
14.Hello Stranger (Outtake)
15. Globetrotter (Drum and Bass Remix)
16.Avant Garden (Trip Hop Remix)
17.Eleven Thorns (Video)

No Space For Words

The original version of this song was actually meant to be a hoax. It was a dancefloor track i produced to play a joke on a friend of mine, but I liked the chorus part too much to waste it. So I rearranged the track, replaced the synths with guitars and recorded it. In order to obtain this reverse sound for the interlude I had to learn to play the part backwards, reversing it afterwards. Finally Michi laughed into the mic. She also said the phrase "can you do that again". The looped voice at the beginning is mine. years eve download
Composed and arranged, as the title suggests, on new years eve. For the first time I tried to incorporate an oriental touch into this song. But there is also a certain "spy groove" rippling through the verse. "New Years Eve" is one of my favourite tracks to play on stage. There are a lot of stories that could be told about it, both about thematic and technical aspects, but I think in this case the music should do the talking.

3.avant garden
This is a rather gloomy song. I like to play it as the opener at our gigs. Tricked by my computer, I had to record the whole song anew, although I have already had completed it. For the bass parts I fell back on Alex Jilg and his 5 strings. He did not know the song very well but managed to copy the basslines true to the original programmings. He spent a night waking, aging a couple of years in just a few hours but the end justifies the means.


The oldest song to be found on "No Space". The original version was written at the time when I was playing in the band "Solar Eclipse" with Alex and Robert Jilg. After years I programmed a version with didgeridoos and percussion. The lead guitar parts were added even later. This track reflects the aggressive and more rock-based side of "No Space for Words". "Globetrotter" deals with wanderlust and the wish to go out into the big, wide world.

5.sumsmoove trip
This one developed very spontaneous. Starting out with the title; I was working on the drum parts and asked my then-girlfriend under which name I should save the loops. Without thinking about it for too long she replied: "sumsmoove". The drums on the original version rather sounded like acoustic drums, later I replaced them with synthetic percussion. That was when "Trip" was added to the title. Recording the guitars happened similarly spontaneous. The rhythm guitars are doubled, with one track in dropped-d tuning in each case. When I recorded the solo part, I made a mistake. The guitar track was set back a sixteenth bar. Normally you fret about mishaps like that, but somehow it sounded pretty cool. So I left it the way it was.

6.bare download
Originally planned for the next album, but I couldn´t wait. We played this Jungle Track very often live. Alltough this version is more synthetic and electronic then the live version.

7.two trees
Previously named "Two Rivers", this is a song from the early days, like "Globetrotter". It was written very fast. A rough version was programmed within a few hours and I recorded a tentative guitar track. Two years later I rerecorded the song for "No Space For Words". Since I had got used to the old version so much, I simply copied the originally improvisational soli.

8.back to Canada
"Back to Canada" is structured similarly to "New Years Eve". I wanted to use some ethno elements here, however, most evidently effecting the programming of the percussions. The song used to be one and a half minutes longer and was my first song to be edited after it was completed. The name does not really have a message. Basically it was just an allusion to my friend and band member, Lászlo Váncsa's fascination for Canada, he had then. Now I tend to think of more abstract titles for my songs and Lászlo has since turned into an Ireland freak.

9.eleven thorns download
I often play intros like "Eleven Thorns". A guitar, a brief melody and some effects. This one is based upon a fragment of "Immortality". I still have a lot of similar pieces up my sleeve.

10. minya
Sometimes writing a song is really effortless. Inspirations virtually pour down on you. This was not the case when I composed "Minya", although it seemed easy at the beginning. In the course of a nightly jam session with a couple of friends I came up with this strange melody played on a melodica. At the crack of dawn we went home and I started arranging the song right away. I decided to baptize it "Minya" because that is the name of a girl, who was present that night and gave a fairly crazy impression (in a positiv sense). Then I was stricken by a writer's block and had to put it on hold.



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No Space For Words 
